Zarude CoroCoro 162/SV-P Promo Revealed

Published on 17 May 2024 at 10:30

A new Zarude promo has been revealed, and it's the next CoroCoro Ichiban! promo.

This 162/SV-P Promo card of Zarude will be featured in the next July 2024 issue of the CoroCoro Ichiban! Magazine.


This magazine will release on May 21, 2024.


It also features an addtional Pokémon Fan logo stamp on there. Pokemon Fan is a seperate magazine by CoroCoro. Issue 88 already released last month, so it might be included in issue 89.



G - Pluck Off

Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Grass Energy reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.


GGG - Hammer Whip 130

During your next turn, this Pokémon can’t attack.


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