Hello and welcome to the PokeGuardian Podcast! Join your hosts Taj from TCG Taj and co-host Zakariya, also known as PrimalLugia, the webmaster of PokeGuardian, as we explore the latest news, topics, and developments in the world of the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Stay tuned to keep up-to-date with everything happening in this exciting hobby!


Submit a PokeGuardian Podcast Question


Have a question you want to ask us that could be featured on the PokeGuardian Podcast? We'd love to hear from you! Submit your question here on the form below.

Remember, please keep your message brief, to the point, and clear.

Please note that your question may or may not be answered in the podcast or by any other means. Remember, this question may be used in an upcoming podcast episode and streamed to anyone willing to download it and listen. Thank you for contributing a question or comment to the PokeGuardian Podcast!
