PokeGuardian Podcast #21 - VMAX Climax Special

PokeGuardian Podcast #21 - VMAX Climax Special

Welcome to the PokeGuardian Podcast. This is the 21th episode.

The hosts of the show will be Taj from PokéTaj, Zakariya (PrimalLugia), the webmaster of PokeGuardian. And in this episode we have two returning guests all the way from Australia and England on our episode: Julian from okJLUV. And Ryan from Braysh Gaming and co-owner of Kādo Collectables. 


We will talk all about the massively hyped set S8b Sword & Shield High Class Pack - VMAX Climax which released on Friday December 3, 2021!

If you would like to say hello to Ryan or want to visit his channel Braysh Gaming or the store Kādo Collectables along with their social media accounts here:


If you would like to catch up on the latest videos from Julian, you can find his YouTube channel okJLUV here along with his social media accounts:

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