Future or Ancient?
The much anticipated Ancient Roar / Future Flash set, after it's international counterpart Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift was teased during Worlds 2023 and then fully revealed later, now has been officially revealed in Japanese during the Champions League 2024 Yokohama Livestream.
These cards come with a new Ancient or Future Mechanic, which are similar to how Rapid Strike & Single Strike cards function on which specific Future or Ancient labeled cards work with other Ancient / Future cards.
Previously revealed cards we seen first in Paradox Rift, and the cover stars of the set are Iron Valiant ex and Roaring Moon ex.
Also previously revealed regular Pokemon cards revealed with the Ancient / Future mechanic, like Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Iron Bundle, and Iron Moth.
Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack - Ancient Roar
ポケモンカードゲーム スカーレット&バイオレット 拡張パック「古代の咆哮」
Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack - Future Flash
ポケモンカードゲーム スカーレット&バイオレット 拡張パック「未来の一閃」
- This set will contain 66 cards + ??? (SR cards or better)
- This set will release on October 27, 2023
- 1 Booster box costs 5,400 yen (including tax)
- 1 Booster box includes:
- 30 packs
- 1 Booster pack includes 5 cards
Promotional Artwork
New revealed cards are:
Ancient cards: Sandy Shocks ex, Slither Wing, Professor Sada's Determination, Earthen Vessel
Future cards: Iron Hands ex, Iron Jugulis, Professor Turo's Scenario, Techno Radar
New regular cards are also revealed of: Mela (boss of Team Star's Fire crew named Schedar Squad), Tulip (Gym Leader of Alfornada Gym), TM: Evolution, TM: Devolution, Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Chi-Yu.
Card translations comes again from ToineLay, thank you!
R - Flare Bringer
Attach up to 2 Basic Fire Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon.
RR - Envious Inferno 50+
If any of your Pokémon were Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 90 more damage
F - Sand Bringer
Attach up to 2 Fighting Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon.
FFF - Prideful Impact 220
If this Pokémon as 4 or more damage counters on it, this attack does nothing.
G - Leaf Bringer
Attach up to 2 Grass Energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon.
GGGC - Greed Impact 140
During your opponent's next turn, the defending Pokémon's attack cost 2 Colorless more to use.
W - Snow Bringer
Attach up to 2 Basic Water energy from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon.
WWC - Wrath Blade 130
Discard 2 Energy from this Pokémon.
TM: Devolution
Pokemon Tool
The Pokémon this card is attached to can use the attack on this card. (You still need the necessary Energy to use this attack.) The card attached to the Pokémon is discarded at the end of your turn.
C - Devolution
Devolve each of your opponent’s evolved Pokémon and put the highest Stage Evolution card on it into your opponent’s hand.
TM: Evolution
Pokemon Tool
The Pokémon this card is attached to can use the attack on this card. (You still need the necessary Energy to use this attack.) The card attached to the Pokémon is discarded at the end of your turn.
C - Evolution
Select up to two of your Benched Pokémon, search your deck for a card that evolves from that Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck.
Sandy Shocks ex
Ability: Magnetic Absorption
Once during your turn, if your opponent has 4 prizes remaining or less, you may attach 1 Basic Fighting Energy from your Discard Pile to this Pokémon.
FFC - Ground Spikes 200
This Pokémon can't attack during your next turn.
Slither Wing
F - Trample
Discard 1 card from the top of your opponent's deck.
FF - Billowing Burn 120
This Pokémon does 90 damage to itself. Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Burned.
Professor Sada's Determination
(Supporter - Ancient)
Choose up to 2 of your Ancient Pokémon. Attach 1 Basic Energy from your Discard Pile to each Pokémon you chose. If you attached any Energy this way, draw 3 cards.
Earthen Vessel
(Item - Ancient)
Discard 1 other card from your hand in order to use this card.
Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Energy, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Iron Hands ex
LLC - Arm Press 160
LCCC - Sumo Surge 120
If your opponent's Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card.
Iron Jugulis
CCC - Homing Heads
This attack does 50 damage to 3 of your opponent's Pokémon that already have any damage counters on them.
CCCCC - Baryon Beam 150
If this Pokémon has a "Future Boost Energy Capsule" attached, it can use this attack for CCC instead.
Professor Turo's Scenario
(Supporter - Future)
Put 1 of your Pokémon into your hand. (Discard all attached cards.)
Techno Radar
(Item - Future)
Discard 1 other card from your hand in order to use this card.
Search your deck for up to 2 Future Pokémon, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Future Boost Energy Capsule
(Pokémon Tool - Future)
The Future Pokémon this card is attached to has no Retreat Cost, and its attacks deal 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon.
You can play this card only if any of your Pokémon were Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn.
Attach 1 Basic Fire Energy from your Discard Pile to 1 of your Pokémon. If you do, then draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand.
Put up to 4 in any combination of Psychic Pokémon and Basic Psychic Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand.
We will continue to provide updates and additional information as we learn more about the upcoming set. Make sure to follow us on social media to stay informed of the latest news and official product images once they become available.
Also check our Upcoming Sets page to check out what sets are releasing later this year.
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