Experience the bond between Trainer and Pokemon, even more!
The second set of 2025 for Japan, called SV9a Scarlet & Violet Enhanced Expansion Pack Hot Air Arena, is officially revealed. The set is scheduled for release on March 14, 2025.
This set will introduce even more Trainer's Pokemon of Ethan, Misty, Cynthia & Arven. The last 2 are featured on the booster pack artwork, but have not offically cards revealed yet,
On the pack art we see Cynthia's Garchomp, Ethan's Ho-Oh, which got revealed as a card & Arven's Mabosstiff. For now only Ethan's Pokemon & a portion of Misty's Pokemon got revealed.
The revealed cards are Ethan's Adventure, Ethan's Ho-Oh, Typhlosion, Quilava, Cyndaquil, Magcargo, Slugma & Pichu. Also Misty's Gyarados, Magikarp & Psyduck got revealed. Lastly on the Trainers card side, an item card called Sacred Ash got reprinted from XY - Flashfire.
Speaking of Pichu, the last official Pichu that got released in TPCi territory, was in HeartGold & SoulSilver Base set, in 2010. In Japan that was the Mischievous Pichu promo in 2022.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Scarlet & Violet Enhanced Expansion Pack Hot Air Arena
(ポケモンカードゲーム スカーレット&バイオレット強化拡張パック「熱風のアリーナ」)
This set will launch on March 14, 2025, with each booster box containing 30 packs.
- The set size is 63 cards + ???
- 1 Booster box includes 30 packs
- Booster box price is 5400 yen
Card translations comes again from ToineLay, thank you!
Ethan's Ho-Oh
Ability: Gold Fire
Once during your turn, you may attach up to 2 Basic Fire Energy from your hand to 1 of your Benched Ethan's Pokemon.
RRRR - Shining Feathers 160
Heal 50 damage from each of your Pokemon.
Ethan's Typhlosion
R - Buddy Blast 40+
This attack does 60 more damage for each "Ethan's Adventure" card in your discard pile.
RRC - Heat Blast 160
Ethan's Quilvava
Ability: Travel Companion
Once during your turn, you may search your deck for 1 "Ethan's Adventure", reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
F - Flare 40
Ethan's Magcargo
Ability: Melting Slide
If this Pokémon has no Energy attached, it has no retreat cost.
RRR - Lava Burst 70x
Discard up to 5 Fire Energy cards from this Pokémon. This attack does 70 damage for each card discarded this way.
Misty's Gyarados
W - Splashing Panic 70x
Discard the top 7 cards of your deck. This attack does 70 damage for each Misty's Pokemon discarded this way.
WWC - Waterfall 120
Misty's Magikarp
Ability: Super Submerge
As long as this Pokémon is on your Bench, prevent all damage from and effects of attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon done to this Pokémon.
W - Splash 10
Misty's Psyduck
Ability: Duck and Cover
Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is in play, you may discard 1 card from the bottom of your deck. If you do, discard all cards attached to this Pokemon and put it on top of your deck.
Sacred Ash
Choose up to 5 Pokémon from your discard pile, reveal them, and shuffle them into your deck.
Ethan's Adventure
Search your deck for up to 3 in any combination of Ethan's Pokemon and Basic Fire Energy, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
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