Gardevoir V, Gardevoir VMAX, Lucario V, Incineroar V and Galarian Obstagoon Revealed From Champion's Path

Published on 9 September 2020 at 17:33

TPCi has finally revealed more news of the Special set Champion's Path after a very long time of complete silence. Gardevoir V, Gardevoir VMAX, Lucario V, Incineroar V and Galarian Obstagoon have been revealed from the set. 

Gardevoir V and VMAX are from the S2a Explosive Walker set. Lucario V and Incineroar V are from the V Starter Decks. And lastly Galarian Obstagoon was removed from S3 Infinity Zone


Champion's Path will release on September 25, 2020. 

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5 years ago

Hey can you guys post a close up of the set symbol cuz it looks sick