The set list for S6a Eevee Heroes has been revealed.
Sylveon VMAX and Leafeon VMAX are revealed, completing all Eeveelution V / VMAX cards. A Supporter card of Aroma Lady has been revealed, an Item card named Vigor Shake and a Stadium card named Fashion mall have also been revealed.
Flareon VMAX, Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX and Espeon VMAX are not present in S6a Eevee Heroes but are found in the VMAX Special set Eevee Heroes.
The SR/HR/UR cards will possibly be revealed next week on Wednesday, so make sure to look again on PokeGuardian next Wednesday!
Card translations come again from ToineLay, thank you!
Sylveon VMAX
(Rapid Strike)
P - Cherish Touch
Attach an Energy from your hand to one of your Benched Pokémon, then heal 120 damage from that Pokémon.
CCC - Max Harmony 70+
This attack does 30 more damage for each Type of Pokémon on your bench.
Leafeon VMAX
GC - Grass Knot 60x
This attack does 60 damage for each Energy in your opponent's Active Pokémon's Retreat Cost.
GGC - Max Leaf 170
Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon.
C - Surprise Short-circuit
Discard all Pokémon Tool cards attached to all of your opponent's Pokémon.
L - Static Shock 30
Vigor Shake
When you use this card, your turn ends.
Search your deck for a card that evolves from 1 of your Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon, then shuffle your deck. You can use this card during your first turn or on a Pokémon that was put into play this turn.
Fashion Mall
Once during each player’s turn, that player may return a Pokémon Tool attached to one of their Pokémon back into their hand.
P - Chomp Chomp Hold 30
During your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokémon's Retreat Cost becomes 1 more, and its attacks cost 1 Colorless more to use.
W - Aqua Run
This attack does 20 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
CC - Let's Roll 20x
This attack does 20 damage for each of your Benched Pokémon that have the Let's Roll attack.
ToineLay: So far, no other Pokémon has Let's Roll
W - Diving Rescue
Put up to 3 in any combination of Pokémon and Supporter cards from your discard pile into your hand.
CCC - Surf 90
Set List
Previous Translations
Vaporeon V
(Rapid Strike)
C - Triple Draw
Draw 3 cards.
WWC - Splash Jump 90
Switch this Pokémon with one of your Benched Pokémon.
Vaporeon VMAX
(Rapid Strike)
C - Water Pod
Put 1 Pokémon from your discard pile onto your Bench. Then attach up to
3 Water Energy from your discard pile to that Pokémon.
WCC - Max Rapids 100+
If your opponent’s Active Pokémon already has any damage counters on
it, this attack does 100 more damage.
Jolteon V
C - Jolt Arrow
This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.
LCC - Pin Missile 60x
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 60 damage times the number of heads.
Jolteon VMAX
LC - Max Thunderclap 100
This attack also does 100 damage to one of your opponent’s Benched
Pokémon that has any damage counters on it.
Flareon V
(Single Strike)
C - Burning Breath 20
Search your deck for a Fire Energy and attack it to this Pokémon. Then
shuffle your deck.
FFC - Scorching Column 120
Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Burned.
Flareon VMAX
(Single Strike)
FCC - Max Eruption 100x
Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. This attack does 100 damage for
each Energy card you discarded in this way.
Espeon V
P - Mind Shot
This attack does 60 damage to one of your opponent’s Pokémon-V.
PCC - Extrasensory 120
Espeon VMAX
Ability: Solar Revelation
Prevent all effects of your opponent’s attacks, except damage, done to each of your Pokémon that has any Energy attached to it.
PCC - Max Psy 60x
This attack does 60 damage for each Energy attached to all of your
opponent’s Pokémon in play.
Umbreon V
(Single Strike)
D - Mean Look 30
The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponen’s next turn.
DCC - Moonlight Blade 80+
If this Pokémon has any damage counters on it, this attack does 80 more
Umbreon VMAX
(Single Strike)
Ability: Dark Signal
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon during your turn, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon.
DCC - Max Darkness 160
Leafeon V
Ability: Greening Cells
Once per turn, you may search your deck for a Grass Energy and attach it
to one of your Pokémon. If you use this Ability, your turn ends.
GCC - Leaf Blade 90+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 more damage.
Glaceon V
W - Ice Ascension
Search your deck for a card that evolves from this Pokémon and put it onto
this Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck.
WCC - White Out 120
Discard any Stadium card in play.
Glaceon VMAX
Ability: Crystal Veil
Prevent all damage done to this Pokémon by attacks from your opponent's Pokémon VMAX, expect for Glaceon VMAX.
WCC - Max Icicle 150
This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Sylveon V
(Rapid Strike)
Ability: Dream Gift
Once during your turn, you may search you deck for 1 Item card and
put it into your hand, then sfuffle your deck. If you use this Ability, your
turn ends.
CC - Magical Shot 60
Frozen Leaf Badge
(Pokémon Tool)
If the Pokémon this card is attached to has "Leafeon V" or "Glaceon V" in its name, it has no Weakness and no Retreat Cost.
Moon and Sun Badge
(Pokémon tool)
Whenever your opponent plays a Supporter card from their hand, prevent all effects of that card done to the Pokémon this card is attached to if it has "Espeon V" or "Umbreon V" it its name.
Elemental Badge
(Pokémon Tool)
The attacks of the Pokémon that have "Vaporeon V" or "Jolteon V" or "Flareon V" in their name this card is attached to cost [C] less.
Ribbon Badge
(Pokémon Tool)
If the Pokémon this card is attached to has "Sylveon V" in its name, when it is knocked out by damage from an opponent's attack, your opponent takes 1 fewer Prize card.
C - Vee Search
Search your deck for up to 3 Pokémon-V, reveal them, and put them into
your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
CC - Stampede 20
(Single Strike)
RC - Fangs of Rage 10+
This attack does 10 more damage for each damage counter on all of your
Benched Single Strike Pokémon.
RRC - Heat Tackle 120
This Pokémon does 30 damage to itself.
(Single Strike)
C - Sonicboom 40
This attack’s damage is not affected by Weakness or Resistance.
C - Explosion 120
This Pokémon does 90 damage to itself.
(Single Strike)
D - Bite 60
DD - Rearguard Tackle 100+
If you have 2 or less Benched Pokémon, this attack does 140 more
(Single Strike)
C - Bite 20
CC - Single Strike Destruction 40
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.
(Rapid Strike)
C - Rapid Hunt
Search your deck for 2 Rapid Strike cards, reveal them, and put them into
your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
C - Shadow Flicker 10
During your next turn, if the Defending Pokémon is Knocked Out, take one
more prize card.
(Rapid Strike)
Ability: Rapid Connexion
As many times as you like during your turn, you may move an Energy from
one of your Pokémon to another of your Rapid Strike Pokémon.
PCC - Wonder Shine 110
Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Confused.
(Rapid Strike)
P - Fairy Wind 20
PCC - Double Spin 50×
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage for each heads.
(Single Strike)
Ability: Vise Coach
Damage from your Single Strike Pokémon's attacks isn't affected by Resistance.
GGC - Seismic Toss 110
L - Upper Shock 40
If this Pokémon evolved from Eelektrik this turn, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Paralysed.
LCC - Wild Bolt 160
This Pokémon does 30 damage to itself.
L - Thunder Wave
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
CC - Tackle 20
(Rapid Strike)
Ability: Dew Protection
Prevent all effects done to your or your hand by Supporter cards your opponent plays from their hand.
WC - Double Smash 70×
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 70 damage for each heads.
Ability: Cotton Carrier
Once during your turn, you may search your deck for up to 2 Basic Energy cards and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck
G -Cotton Guard 30
During your opponent's next turn this Pokémon takes 30 less damage from attacks
CC - Live Painting 30+
Reveal any number of Basic Energy from your hand. This attack does 30 more damage for each Basic Energy Type you revealed this way.

Look at the top 7 cards from your deck. Reveal any number of Energy you find there, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle the remaining cards back into your deck.
Dream Ball
You can only play this card when you draw it as a prize card, before putting it into your hand.
Search your deck for a Pokémon and put it onto your Bench. Then shuffle your deck.
ToineLay: Errata: You have to draw it as a face-down prize card (doesn't matter now, might later on).
Treasure Energy
While attached to a Pokémon, this card provides one Colorless Energy.
When you took this card as a face-down Prize card, before putting it into your hand, you may attach it to one of your Pokémon instead.
G - Bug Bite 30
GCC - Flying Bubble Ball 110
Move a basic Energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
L - Big Sparks
This attack does 50 damage to each Pokémon-V and Pokémon-GX in play (both yours and your opponent's).
LLC - Thunderbolt 180
Discard all Energy cards from this Pokémon.
L - Energize
Attach a [L] Energy card from your discard pile to this Pokémon.
LCC - Electro Ball 30
CC - Healing Circle
Heal all damage from all of your Benched Pokémon. Then shuffle this Pokémon and all cards attached to it back into your hand.
GCC - Razor Leaf 120
G - Trip Over 10+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage.
GCC - Seed Bomb 60
Ability: Mud Maker
Once during your turn, you may attach 1 Water or Fighting Energy from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon in play.
WCC - Earthquake 180
This attack does 20 damage to each of your Benched Pokémon.
CC - Mud-Slap - 20
WCC - Energy Loop - 80
Select one energy on this pokémon and return it to your hand.
Ability: Shapeshifting Illusion
Once during your turn, you may choose a Stage 1 Pokémon from your discard pile (excluding Zoroark), then discard this Pokémon and all cards attached to it and put the Pokémon you chose it its place.
CC - Night Burst 70
PPC - 120
PPPC - Dust Squeeze
If your opponent's Active Pokémon is a Basic Pokémon, it is now Knocked Out.
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